Celebrate Recovery

We meet every Monday night at 6:30pm, doors open at 6pm. Child care is available.

Our Purpose…

The Purpose of Main Street Baptist Church’s Celebrate Recovery Program is the gathering and celebration God’s healing power in our lives through the 12 steps and eight recovery principles. We all want to experience true peace and freedom in our lives. We want to be free from our hurts, habits, and hangups while experiencing the joy filled and healthy life that God has planned for us. We are building relationships with God and others.

Celebrate Recovery is a safe, welcoming, grace filled, and Christ-Centered weekly event to explore the healing we can have in our lives through Jesus Christ. Through community and sharing we seek and celebrate the freedom that God promises. As a result, we become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors and create peace, joy, and most importantly, stronger relationships with God and others.

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Here at Celebrate Recovery…