About Us

Main Street Baptist Church is an active church in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

We believe that 2 Timothy 3:16 is correct and that ALL scripture is innerant and infallible. We believe that it was inspired by the Holy Spirit who is alive and active today. We believe that the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever! We believe that we are to, in love and obedience, fulfill the Great Commission in our station of life. In all this our desire is to see the kingdom of heaven here on earth!

We believe in the GOSPEL:

We believe that in the beginning God, who is perfect, created the heavens and the earth and on the 6th day created mankind. There was a relationship between God and man. God gave Adam and Eve 1 simple rule which was broken and the end result was a broken relationship between God and man. Immediately man tried to restore the broken relationship and ever since has tried to restore the relationship but failed.

Since that day, we have tried to “complete us” with wealth, relationships, fame, friendships, and even religion but ultimately leaves us still lost and lonely. God knew that there is nothing within us that will restore the brokenness so he sent His only son (John 3:16-17) to live a perfect life among the people who historically rebelled against Him.

Jesus lived a perfect life, performed many miracles, calmed the storm with his words, healed the blind, raised the dead, and fed a multitude with just a few fish and loaves of bread. In all this the end result was not praise but betrayal and was sentenced to death. A death that was so gruesome and horrific that Roman citizens were exempt. He was wiped, beaten, mocked, spat on, and ultimately nailed to a cross of wood. Even in his last breaths He cried out for forgiveness for all those who was instrumental in his suffering.  What they didn’t realize that they were instrumental not for only Christ’s suffering but God’s glory on display.

We believe 3 days later Jesus rose physically from the grave defeating sin and death once and for all. We believe in John 14:6 which says Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one gets to God except through Jesus Christ through repentance and belief.

Have you made Him Lord of your life?